Celebrating Lives

Celebrating Lives

The Howell family, while caring for our families we serve, are taking necessary measures during this COVID-19 Health Emergency.
Out of respect for the health and well-being of our families and staff in conjunction with All Local, State, and Federal Government laws with guidelines established by the CDC, we will follow mandates per Executive Order from our Mayor of Baltimore City, County Executive of Howard County, and the Governor of the State of Maryland in regard to family viewings and funeral services.
We encourage those who wish to support the families we serve to practice social distancing as advised by public health officials. Visitors are required to wear a mask. We will remain vigilant in our efforts to sanitize our facilities and ensure compliance with recommended best practices per the Center for Disease Control.
As always, we will continue to guide the families we serve in ways they can meaningfully commemorate the life of their loved one, while adhering to the guidance issued by federal, state, and local governmental and public health officials. Whenever possible, we will continue to enable families to plan the traditional services that are most important to them.